2024, October

EM3 welcomes Henry, Jia, and Hanmo with a group ice cream social!

2024, July

EM3 celebrates Summer with a group BBQ Party!

2024, May

EM3 celebrates Luyan’s graduation! Congratulations!

2023, December

EM3 celebrates the new year with Secret Santa Gifts!

2023, June

EM3 receives Cornell Engineering Sprout Award to develop radiation-resistant coatings. Congratulations!

2023, June

Advances in Cold Spray, 2nd edition, is published!

2022, December

EM3 celebrates new year with a group dinner!

2022, July

Lewei’s work on Cu-W core shell particles is published at Surface and Coatings Technology. Congratulations!

2022, July

EM3 gives farewell to Luis!

2022, June

Qi gives her first conference talk at the USNCTAM 2022. Congratulations!

2022, May

EM3 wraps up in-situ expeiments at CHESS!

2022, May

EM3 celebrates summer with a group BBQ!

2022, April

Mostafa receives an NSF CAREER Award!

2021, October

Lewei’s work on synchrotron X-ray studies of Ni-CrC is published at Compoiste Part B. Congratulations!